Last week, U.S. President-elect Joe Biden announced some of the most senior names of his national security and foreign policy team. The only surprise was the appointment of former Secretary of State John Kerry as a special envoy for climate […]
Last week, U.S. President-elect Joe Biden announced some of the most senior names of his national security and foreign policy team. The only surprise was the appointment of former Secretary of State John Kerry as a special envoy for climate […]
Four years ago, when Donald Trump was elected U.S. president, one of his most significant priorities was to deal with the trade issues in the Asia-Pacific region. Although up to that point, the trade dispute with China was considered an […]
Various geopolitical issues, in which Turkey has taken active steps in recent years, are quickly developing and on two key fronts, the conflict has given way to reconciliation. In Libya, Tripoli and Benghazi agreed to form a united government and […]
In his inauguration speech following the resignation of his predecessor President Richard Nixon, former U.S. President Gerald Ford said, “my fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.” The entire audience understood what Ford meant by the remarks and hoped […]
Joe Biden geçen cumartesi günü 270 delegeyi garantileyerek yeni ABD Başkanı olarak seçildi. Ocak ayında ABD’nin 46. Başkanı olarak 78 yaşında göreve başlayacak olan Biden, ABD tarihinin en yaşlı başkanı olacak. Hindistan ve Jamaika göçmeni bir aileden gelen Kamala Harris, hem ilk kadın Başkan Yardımcısı hem de başkanlık bileti kazanan ilk siyahi ve Asya kökenli Amerikalı kadın olacak. Biden’ın seçimi kazandığı ilan edilince sokaklar festival alanına döndü ve Beyaz Saray önüne akın eden kalabalık gruplar sevinç gösterilerinde bulundu.
3 Kasım seçimlerinin ardından Biden’ın kazandığı açık olmasına rağmen seçimi kazanacağını iddia eden Başkan Trump, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada ve Wisconsin eyaletlerinde seçime dair birçok usulsüzlük ve hilenin yapıldığını iddia ederek oy sayımının durdurulması ve bazı oyların sayılmaması için çeşitli davalar açmıştı. Biden’ın kazandığı Georgia ve Wisconsin eyaletlerinde oy farkının çok az olması sebebiyle Trump kampanyası tarafından oy sayımının tekrar yapılması talep edilmişti. Ancak tartışmalı eyaletlerde Trump’ın açmış olduğu davalara katılan Trump’ın avukatlarından bazıları seçimde hile olduğuna inanmadıklarını dile getirdiler.
ABD başkanlık seçimlerinin sonuçlanmasının ardından zaferini ilan eden Joe Biden’ın dış politikada nasıl bir yol izleyeceği bütün dünyada merak konusu. Biden’ın gerek Obama döneminde başkan yardımcılığı yaptığı sırada benimsediği dış politika anlayışı ve gerek başkanlık seçimi sürecinde yapmış olduğu açıklamalar yeni ABD yönetiminin nasıl bir dış politika anlayışı sergileyeceğinin ipuçlarını sunuyor.
Joe Biden on Saturday declared victory in the 2020 United States presidential election, which was marked by a high voter turnout and angry rhetoric. Although the incumbent, Donald Trump, may challenge the result on the streets and in courts, those […]
The U.S. election is over. Contrary to expectations, there was no landslide in the elections. There was no blue wave and there was no overwhelming victory of one candidate over the other. The major losers of this election are again […]
The United States presidential election, which the nation held to “restore the soul of America,” did not end as expected on Nov. 3. President Donald Trump, who declared victory on Wednesday evening, warned against any attempt to “steal the election,” […]
There have been ongoing debates about the U.S.’s declining relevance in regional crises over the last several years. Although the U.S. administration has consistently reiterated its interest in the developments across different regions and expressed certain positions on regional crises, […]
Pandemi sürecinde sorgulanmaya başlanan uluslararası düzen, uluslararası örgütlerin yetersiz kalması, pandemi sonrası ortaya çıkan ekonomik darboğaz ve gittikçe gerileyen Amerikan liderliği ABD’de yapılacak başkanlık seçimini uluslararası ilişkiler açısından önemli bir hale getirdi. Her ne kadar ABD seçmeni oy kullanırken dış […]
On Tuesday, millions of Americans will go to the ballots to vote for the president that will occupy the White House for the next four years. As asserted several times in this column, it will be an election like no […]
The second U.S. presidential debate took place on Thursday in Tennessee. The disastrous first presidential debate between the two candidates lowered the bar, with some calling for the cancellation of future debates and many analysts declaring it the lowest point […]
The 2020 election is going to be one of the most significant in recent history for the U.S. Earlier this column examined the several reasons why this is such a critical election year for America, including the COVID-19 pandemic, an […]
There is a general consensus around the globe that 2020 will be a unique year in history. The COVID-19 pandemic put its mark on the year from the very beginning, and the developments that took place in the U.S. demonstrated […]
The presidential debates are usually considered one of the most critical junctures of the U.S. elections. Analysts regard the debates as the last opportunity for candidates to change citizens’ voting preferences and thus presidential candidates make painstaking efforts to prep […]
Turkey called back its research vessel Oruç Reis to port in order to support efforts by Germany and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg to facilitate dialogue with Greece. As Ankara and Athens continue to exchange statements, tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean […]
In the U.S. presidential electoral campaigns, there are several critical turning points that determine the fate of the elections. The three presidential debates and the announcement of the vice presidential candidates are among the most important of these turning points. […]
Vice President Joe Biden was never going to have it easy on his visit to Turkey on Wednesday. Since the July 15 coup attempt, U.S.-Turkey relations have grown worse day by day, and Biden needed to deliver something dramatic and […]