Türkiye’s Vision for Its New Century

President Erdoğan’s statement in March 2024, “neither the world is the old world nor Türkiye is the old Türkiye”, encapsulates the essence of the Century of Türkiye vision, which aims to transform Türkiye in accordance with both internal and external requirements. Over the past two decades of AK Party rule, Türkiye has achieved remarkable and enduring progress across its social, cultural, political, and economic spheres. Freed from various forms of tutelage, Türkiye’s democracy has grown stronger, supported by well-functioning institutions. The AK Party pledges to further solidify these democratic gains by drafting a new and democratic constitution.
Additionally, Türkiye has made significant advancements in its defense technology and capabilities which are essential in the face of threats posed by various terrorist organizations and the security risks from conflicts near its borders. Türkiye’s regional and global significance has also grown, as it strives for “a fairer world” where human rights, freedom, and dignity are upheld without discrimination, in line with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As President Erdoğan once declared, Türkiye’s “responsibility extends beyond securing our own safety and prosperity. Our strength lies in our resources, actions, and the aid we provide to the afflicted and oppressed worldwide, beginning with our immediate surroundings”. As such, the Century of Türkiye addresses a broad spectrum of domestic and international challenges, aiming for a future where Türkiye stands as a democratic, secure, and prosperous nation, exerting a constructive and influential role on the global stage.
Table of Contents
– What Does the Century of Türkiye Vision Say to Türkiye and the World by Burhanettin Duran
– Constitutional Reforms During the AK Party Years and a New Constitution for the Century of Türkiye by Cem Duran Uzun
– The Dynamics that Enabled the AK Party to Remain in Power for a Long Time by Nebi Miş
– Social Polarization and Political Movements in Türkiye by Hamit Emrah Beriş
– The Quest of the Turkish Economy: Breaking the Middle-Income Trap and Climbing the Development Ladder by Nurullah Gür and Mevlüt Tatlıyer
– The Evolution of the Kurdish Question: From Identity Struggle to Proxy Competition by Talha Köse
– Existential Terror Threat and the Sixth Wave: Orthodox and Abstract Terror in Türkiye by Murat Aslan
– Türkiye’s Domestic Defense Industry: Promises and Challenges by Ozan Ahmet Çetin
– 2023 is the Declaration of the Manifesto of Türkiye’s Century by Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney
– Turkish Foreign Policy in the Century of Türkiye by Kemal İnat and Mustafa Caner
– Turkish-American Relations in the New Turkish Century by Kılıç Buğra Kanat
– Global Governance of Peaceful Order and Türkiye’s approach to UN Reform by Yücel Acer
– Türkiye and the Gulf: The New Realities and New Regional Perspectives by Muhittin Ataman and Mehmet Rakipoğlu
– The Path to European Union: Where is it Compared to the Türkiye Axis by Talha Köse
– Türkiye-Ukraine Relations After the Russian Invasion by Kadir Üstün
– Transformation of NATO, Collective Defense, and Türkiye by Rıfat Öncel