Turkey’s Mediterranean Policy

January 6, 2020
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Early in December of 2019, Turkey signed a series of agreements with the Government of National Accord in Libya regarding maritime delimitations in the Mediterranean, mutual security assistance, and military relations. The agreement generated much discussion in the international media as it would have implications for Turkey’s exclusive economic zones. The U.S. Congress recently passed legislation to boost funding for energy development in Cyprus and Greece, as well as increasing security assistance. As Turkey asserts its rights in the Mediterranean, the US-Turkey relationship will likely be impacted by the potential disputes in the Mediterranean.
On Monday January 6th, SETADC will host an event to discuss Turkey’s Mediterranean policy.
Burhanettin Duran, General Coordinator, The SETA Foundation
Çağrı Erhan, Rector of Altınbaş University and Member of Presidential Foreign Policy and Security Committee
Moderated by Kılıç B. Kanat, Research Director, The SETA Foundation at Washington D.C.