The SETA Foundation Washington, DC and Princeton University Present

“Building Global Peace: Turkish Regional Foreign Policy Priorities”

An Address by Prime Minister Erdoğan

On May 31, 2010, Israeli commandos stormed a humanitarian aid ship, the Mavi Marmara. The operation left 9 dead and over 30 activists wounded. The attack ignited worldwide protests and condemnation and sparked serious diplomatic confrontation between Turkey and Israel, once called “strategic allies.”

On 22 July 2010, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that Kosovo’s declaration of independence was not in violation ofinternational law. This decision is bound to have overreaching implications for peace and stability in the region and in the immediate vicinity of Kosovo.

The September 2010 referendum on a package of amendments to the Turkish Constitution came exactly thirty years after the Army’s last full-scale intervention in Turkish politics. The governing AK Party has framed the amendments as a step towards “civilianizing the constitution.”

The Young Scholars on Turkey (YSOT) Program Presents “Examining Local Democracy in Turkey” with Guliz Belcher, University of Massachusetts Moderator: Nuh Yilmaz, Director, SETA Foundation One of the most important issues for the prospects of Turkish democratization, not addressed in the […]

Program 9:45-10:00 – Registration 10:00-10:15 – Introductory Remarks Ihsan Dagi (Insight Turkey) Nuh Yilmaz (SETA DC) 10:15-12:00 – Panel I: Turkish Politics: Quo Vadis? Moderator: David Cuthell (Institute of Turkish Studies) Speakers: Levent Koker (Atilim University), “Why Turkey Needs a […]

Scholars typically view secularism as a means to protect women from patriarchal religious practices, while preserving women’s political rights. However, the case of Turkey gives reason to reconsider the assumption that secularism is always beneficial to women.

Islamic political mobilization has been an important part of contemporary Turkish political development. The relationship between Islamic political mobilization and military interventions is an underappreciated phenomenon to say the least.