Is Biden’s effort to reach young Black voters in vain?

President Biden visited Michigan and Georgia last weekend to strengthen support among Black voters. Winning these two swing states is crucial for Biden, and Black voters could significantly influence the results in these areas. Recent polls have shown a relative decline in Biden’s support among young Black voters, prompting his campaign to reach out to these groups early. Polls indicate that Trump’s support among Black voters under 50 is rising, and the race is tight in swing states like Michigan. Dissatisfaction with Biden’s economic policies and his handling of the Gaza conflict poses a significant challenge for him.
In his weekend speeches, Biden warned that “democracy would end if Trump returns,” while also addressing discrimination and systemic racism to garner support. Despite his efforts to address socioeconomic issues affecting Black communities, Biden’s support among Black voters, although still high, is lower than in 2020. Biden needs to secure overwhelming support in cities with large Black populations, like Detroit in Michigan. However, both candidates face a lack of enthusiasm, particularly among young voters, resulting in widespread disinterest and apathy.
Biden spoke at the graduation ceremony at Morehouse College in Detroit, a historically Black university and alma mater of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. While trying to convey the dangers to American democracy if Trump returns, Biden faced protests from some students who turned their backs in response to his stance on Gaza. Acknowledging that ongoing discrimination and violence against Black people could undermine his message about democracy, Biden vowed to continue fighting to remove barriers facing the Black community. However, it remains uncertain how effective Biden’s message was in addressing the concerns of young Black voters sensitive to the Gaza issue.
Surveys show a decline in the strong support Biden received from Black voters in the 2020 election. A recent Pew survey reveals that while Black support for Biden persists, it has decreased from 2020 levels. The percentage of Black voters who align with the Democratic Party has consistently been over 80% since 1994, currently at 83%. However, those who plan to vote for Biden have dropped to 77%, while support for Trump has risen to 18%. In 2020, these figures were 92% for Biden and 8% for Trump. The poll also indicates a desire for alternative candidates among Black voters, especially among the younger and more educated demographic, where Biden’s support is weaker than among older voters.
A New York Times/Sienna poll in swing states shows Trump capturing around 20% of the Black vote, a historic high if it materializes. In 2020, Trump received only about 10% of the Black vote. Doubling this support could significantly impact the outcome in states like Michigan and Georgia with large Black populations. Despite the Biden campaign’s early efforts to address these issues, it will be challenging to resolve Black voters’ dissatisfaction and mobilize them in just six months. Complaints about the lack of socioeconomic progress and democratic rights under Biden’s administration, coupled with the administration’s support for Israel, particularly frustrate young Black voters.
Aware that education and equal opportunity are top concerns for Black voters, Biden warned that a Trump return could threaten the historic Brown v. Board of Education decision, which ensures educational equality. Reminding voters of his appointment of the first Black Supreme Court Justice and referencing the recent rollback on abortion rights, Biden suggested that the Brown decision could face a similar fate. While the Biden campaign’s focus on highlighting the potential negative impacts of a Trump presidency may resonate with Black voters, it is unlikely to motivate younger voters to support Biden. With less than six months until the election, Biden’s inability to generate enthusiasm among the Black voters who helped elect him in 2020 remains one of his biggest challenges.